Lead Free Rhinestones are in high demand these days.Because people realizes that heath is more and more important to them.Especial for the children under age 12.Our lead free rhinestones' lead and nickel are under 10 ppm.The ppm deemed safe by the Europe and USA government.It's excellent hotfix glue and nice crystals cutting.These high quality hotfix lead free rhinestones can be used in a multitude of decorative ways to suit your taste,such as clothes and hat decoration,shoes decoration,wedding decoration.
We totally have over 50 colors: fuchsia, sapphire, jonquil, rose, peach, orange, hyacinth, siam, topaz, citrine, olivine, peridot, blue zircon, emerald, aquamarine, amethyst, black diamond, crystal AB, capri blue, dark siam, greige, jet AB, jet black, jet hematite, montana and so on.We offer wholesale hotfix rhinestones price at China factory.It's your first choice to select of the lead free hotfix rhinestones with us!